Tell Congress: NO Funding for Primate Breeding!

For several years, lobbyists promoting animal research have been pushing Congress to provide funding to expand primate breeding programs in the U.S., so more monkeys can be used in experiments that often cause immense pain and suffering. We believe this effort will continue when Congress finalizes the FY2025 budget, unless we take quick action. 
Please help prevent funding that will cause countless numbers of primates to suffer! 

We must prevent this misguided and irresponsible spending—here’s why:

  • Nearly 108,000 primates were used in labs in 2023, with tens of thousands suffering in invasive experiments.
  • Over 90 percent of new drugs tested on animals (including primates) fail in human clinical trials.
  • Primates are wild animals who suffer when confined and used in laboratory experiments.
  • Human-based alternatives provide better data to understand human disease, leading to new treatments, and should be used instead.

Lobbyists failed to get this primate breeding money in the past; it’s up to us to make sure they don’t succeed today!

Please act now to help prevent innocent animals from suffering in labs by asking Congress to NOT provide funding to expand primate breeding programs in the federal budget.